Early Detection and Screening GuidelinesThe current methods of early detection and breast cancer screening are flawed. Some detection methods are not effective and cause unnecessary fear and stress. And although there are risks with obtaining mammograms at a young age, for young women, early detection is needed. We are seeing cancer rates rise in younger age groups. While 3D offers a clearer picture, is more accurate, and the new standard for screening – the cost is not always covered by medical insurance plans and the levels of radiation are much higher. The 2D traditional method is known for high rates of false positives and false negatives. It also causes radiation exposure, thus, making it ineffective screening method. Another option is thermography. This method uses an infrared camera to detect heat and blood flow. Thermography is free from health risks, is best for dense breast tissue cancer detection, and for those under 50 years of age. The cost for the screening is around $150-200 dollars. Unfortunately, it can take years for screening recommendations to change. We are seeing a rise in breast cancer rates in young women, but screening recommendations are not reflecting that. Breast self-exams and thermography may be the best options. Risk Factors You Cannot Control
8 Risk Factors You Can Control
Prevention Steps
There is not a perfect way to detect breast cancer early without increasing risk; that’s why prevention is so important. We suggest regular exercise, eating organic foods, avoid and reduce toxins, conduct self-exams, and know your body. Listen to your intuition, and if you think something is wrong – visit your doctor.” – Jackie Tewes At Flourish Medical + Wellness, we emphasize the importance of optimizing God’s design of the human body to provide natural healing and protection. Our individualized medical care will allow you to strengthen your body and enable it to function exactly how it was made to. We strive toward wholeness: being well in mind, body, and spirit. Contact us with your health concerns and schedule and appointment.
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